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Ecuador, big warm water... stunning scenary... and volcanoes... Daybreak in Tena, day 1 Playing on the Jatunyacu Sat outside Jaime's cafe in Tena having a cool beer Playing on the Jatunyacu Playing on the Jatunyacu Jaime, John, Ben,Steve and some beer Attracting the attention of the locals at the get out Getting to grips with the first rapid on the lower Mishualli... ...almost John... ...more watery stuff on the Lower Mishualli Inspecting... ...and portaging the VI 'Casanova Falls',Lower Mishualli Land of the giants rapid, Lower Mishualli Land of the giants rapid, Lower Mishualli Playing on the lower mishualli Lower Mishualli A more sedate form of transport, Peurto Mishualli Playing with the locals Boofing a drop on the Upper Mishualli Rivers and rainforest... beats the UK Same drop on the Upper Mishualli Caution, Tarantulas!! Montenita, surf central Ecuador style John on the Quijos Playing on the Quijos Magnificent scenary, magnificent river, Quijos Heading for the nest rapid on the superb Quijos Enroute from Baeza to Quito Ecuadorian style Ontop of the active Gaugau Pichincha volcanoe Heading for the put in of the Upano river, Macas Shallow gentle start to the Upano the worlds best shelter, night one on the Upano Night two on the Upano - a more substantial effort on the shelter Receiving a Shaur Indian face painting Mossie nets - essential in the jungle! Fascinated local kids Taking a breather at the bottom of one of many waterfalls in the 'Gorge of the Sacred Waterfalls' onthe Upano More impressive scenary on the Upano... ...and some rather large water Getting stuck into some of the more friendly stuff on the Upano in high water... ...the start of a rather large and insane hour on the Upano Local transport... extremely comfortable - not! Put in of what turned out to be the dirtiest river either of us had ever paddled - the Upper Toachi Canoa - an amazingplace, with amazing sunsets and great surf Taking a drink with a friend in Canoa Our home in Canoa a great place with great surf Town celebrations in Banos Omar on the outrageous grade V/VI Verde Chico Ben... heading down some of the paddleable sections on the Verde Chico Omar... doing likewise Ben picking up more cuts and bruises, Verde Chico The view of the Verde Chico from the side of the valley - and yes, it is as steep as it looks! There was no shortage of volunteers to get out and take this picture! The 145m San Rafeal falls on the Quijos Sunset in Canoa

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