Far from the crowds, far from the world,
yet nearer than you think...
Imagine yourself on a tropical expedition, paddling at a leisurely island pace along the palm-fringed coast, drifting from one idyllic scene to the next. Dive down to the fish filled reef, snorkel over the castles of coral, siesta under the mango trees. Laugh with the locals and feast on fine fresh food from the land and sea. This is Fiji.
Our sea kayaking trips are guided around the wild and spectacular islands of Kadavu in southern Fiji. These beautiful, sparsely-populated islands, set amidst lush tropical surroundings are bordered by the Great Astrolabe Reef – a world class kayaking environment and the world’s fourth largest barrier reef.
With a multitude of lagoons, coral passages, plummeting waterfalls, uninhabited beaches and rainforest-covered hills just waiting to be explored, Kadavu encapsulates the beauty and adventure of Fiji.
Staying in traditional thatched Fijian ‘Bures’ along the way and meeting the local villagers, you will be engulfed by Kadavu’s fascinating culture. And with plenty of opportunity to see flying fish, dolphins, turtles and occasionally whales, as well as all kinds of tropical and marine birdlife – this will certainly be a life experience.
Fiji Sea Kayaking
Suitable for newcomers to sea kayaking (as tuition will be given) and experienced kayakers happy to travel at a leisurely pace. Adults (13 years plus) in general good health.
Family Sea Kayaking Adventure - A Shared Experience
Suitable for adults and children of all ages in good health, adventurous family groups, newcomers to sea kayaking (tuition given).
Scuba Diving
Set amidst lush tropical surroundings and only a stone's throw away from the Great Astrolabe Reef, Matava offers the perfect environment to scuba dive, with a kaleidoscope of corals and wonderful marine life in abundance. With the added opportunity to snorkel, surf, fish, kayak and trek, your spirit of adventure will be extremely satisfied. Alternatively you could just relax, breath in your beautiful surroundings and unwind.
Fiji Facts
Average Daily Temp °C (Suva)

Precipitation in mm (Suva)
Capital: Suva
Language: English (official), Fijian
Currency: Fijian Dollar
Exchange Rate:
Time difference: GMT +12
Population: 832,000
Area: 7,056 sq miles
Pop density: 118 (persons per sq mile)